Finally, Judy from Gladney called and e-mailed me today to let me know that she received our Information Sheet. She is so kind, and patient. I’m sure that she gets tons of people like us who just can’t wait until they get their hands on their beautiful Ethiopian babies. Any way we will be having a phone conference on the 11th of April, to go over the adoption process. We are so happy, imagine how we’ll be when we actually get our baby!
On another front, Fernando is finishing his portion of the Home Study application process. We should be ready to send that off by Monday, and considering that Heartsent is in Pasadena, we shouldn’t have to wait too long before they start their process.
Also, Cindy is doing me the great favor of going to the “registro civil” in Mexico City to get official copies of my birth certificate. I’m getting about 5 copies (just in case). I’m very grateful to her because I contacted the Mexican Consulate and they said that they could not process my request. It needed to be done in Mexico…what is a consulate for, if not to help you with official business?
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Pictures of Ethiopian Children
I found this Spanish web site about Ethiopia adoptions On the, right-hand-side, list of links, find the one called "album de fotos." You will see the most beautiful babies ever!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
An assignment
On Monday I called Gladney to let them know I had sent the Information Form. Judy was quite perceptive and gave me an assignment; to make the wait more bearable. I began researching Home Study agencies and after a few calls one of the agencies referred me to a few places near our home. I asked a couple of them to send me information. Now I have been checking the mailbox eagerly. Oh, I also found Fernando's and my birth certificates and our marriage certificate. Who knew that a 1140 square foot home had so much space to hide documents safely; even from the person who put them away.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Picture of our family
So yesterday our neighbor, Janelle, came over to take our family picture. Now our Adoption Information Sheet is complete; including the $50.00 fee. I will be mailing it off to Gladney today. We can't wait to hear back. Yesterday Cindy and I were discussing names for the baby. Fernando and I struggled so much to come up with our first's name, I don't know if we will decide on a name untill we see our little one's face.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
We are having a baby!!
On March 3rd Fernando and I decided to adopt a baby girl from Ethiopia. The next day the research began. Long story short we hope to work with Gladney Center for Adoption-
Since our decision, we've been hard at work trying to get things together. I think I'm getting ahead of myself and need to slow down.
We are so excited we are jumping out of our skin. Every one we have told about our decision is extremely supportive and this makes us more certain that we are doing the right thing.
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