Tuesday, February 19, 2008


At 9:15 this morning I received a call from "unknown" aka Mary T. She was very kind to call me early and not let me suffer all day. She basically said that the court heard our case, but they needed more information about the whereabouts of our babe's mother. So Gladney hit the pavement and is doing everything in their power to supply the information necessary to get things moving again. Mary said that she will be calling us again on Friday, February 22 to let us know if and for when our next court date is scheduled. For now, we continue to wait.


mama becca said...

Oh I'm so so so sorry. Take heart in knowing you have a fabulous agency working on your behalf. It will happen... hopefully sooner rather than later. Praying for you to have peace during this hard time...
hang in there...

Shelly Roberts said...

Oh boy ... hard news today ... will be praying for a good week of gathering info so a court date will be scheduled soon for you all. Know that you're not alone! Can't wait to hear of progress for your sweet babe! Take Care~ Shelly

Angie said...

sorry to hear you're delayed! hang in there. we're all rooting for this to happen for you, and quick!

Lori said...

Isn't Mary the best? I love that she calls in the morning. Be sure to post about the new court date. You'll be in our prayers.

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

These waits are so incredibly nerve-wracking. I tried to share with a friend today about this difficult part of the journey, but it was pretty evident she just couldn't grasp it. I truly believe only those going down this road can.


Drew Carey Show said...

Oh man, I'm so bummed for you. This is such a long, hard process. When I got your text, I assumed you had a new court date for Friday. I'm keeping everything crossed that they're able to locate the additional information quickly and fast-track you through this court process. This journey is a grueling one. I'm so sorry that it's getting dragged out for you. I know how out-of-control stressful that feeling is. Thinking about you guys tonight... XOXO

Jana said...

I know this must painful. Praying for you.