Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sick but somehow rejuvinated

I don't know, It must have been seeing my lovely girls up on the blog or something, but I think I'm back. Most of you out there are not reading about us anymore, and you probably don't even care about our silly goings on, but I'm going to give it a good effort, if only for our family history's sake. I'm going to blow my nose, I have a combination of illness and allergies, whatever it is is kicking me right on my behind.
Just as a catch up sort of a post. Since we returned Marina finished 1st grade. We had a good summer at home (we usually take off for Barcelona to Fernando's family). We are slowly finding our rhythm. Celeste began walking and is now unstoppable. Marina is in 2nd grade. Fernando got a book published. I am frantically making dolls for the Elves' Fair (Pasadena Waldorf School's largest event), and planning my mother's 60th birthday bash. Oh! and I forgot, working full time as a school psychologist.
I have been such a bad blogger that the cycle of non blogging just kept getting more and more dysfunctional. the more time passed the guiltier I felt, and the guiltier I felt, the less I wanted to show my face in blog world, but now that Monica has opened the flood gates, let the blogging begin.
These are the latest Celeste words: Agua? mmmmm, abre? ten, mama, papa, papi, mami, yaya, yayo, hola? tita, and in English: ball. Funny thing that occurred today: Marina's friend came over and was upset and crying with her mother when they had to go. Celeste went over to her and patted and petted her on the head. She looked worried.
Marina is a fantastic big sister. She includes Celeste in every game and makes sure that the other kids are letting her participate. Marina is also on the brink to jump into the swim team, so she is working very hard in the pool. At school, she was in the Michaelmas play. She played the part of fire with three other girls and they rocked it!
Overall we are doing very well, and hoping that we get to see the blog unioners again soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

May 7th??

(Monica here... rogue blogger)
I am not sure if anyone out there in blogland checks dear Samantha's blog anymore. She is a bad blogger (I have told her so) I read adoption blogs as she started blogging. My favorite time to read is the travel.. and return home. My darling friend dropped off just when I would have been the most interested. Fortunate for me, I talk to her often and see her, Fernando, and her kiddos ... so I knew/know what was going on. For the rest of you.. who may only know her only in Blogland... here is a little glimpse into the goings on with Samantha, Fernando, Marina, and Celeste... They are a beautiful and happy little family. Enjoy!

a glorious day at the beach... for little Zoe's birthday


a summer Monday in the village. Coffee and water play. perfection

blog union. oh yes, they were there. (and me too)

i love this picture!

Our lovely Fair tradition (the kids were less than pleased with the petting zoo. Marina looks forward to this. She talked about it constantly, but she did not love the goats. neither did Celeste. sisters)

Hope if there is anyone out there... this made you smile.
;) Monica