Thursday, October 2, 2008


This was taken in NY this summer. We had such a good time! But not so much this day because it was so terribly hot. We did have fun on the way home because we got lost and went around and around in an air conditioned comfortable car.

On a different note, I would like to ask everyone out there to send their positive thoughts to my friend Sarah. She underwent a double mastectomy yesterday and will begin chemotherapy soon. She has a very supportive husband and a lovely 16 month old baby girl. Shara is scared, but is dealing with all of this so incredibly well. I have knows Sarah since we moved in together our freshmen year at Pitzer College in Claremont, and although I can't say that we have remained close, I can say that I love her and that every time we talk or see each other its as if we had gone back in time.

1 comment:

mama becca said...

I will say prayers for Sarah. My mom beat the disease against all odds, and she can too! Be encouraged!