Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well, unbelievably the judge said that our file was incomplete. Have you ever seen a great white shark while it bites into its pray? Have you noticed how their eyes roll back with their fury? Just think of me like the shark. I am beside myself. This had happened before and when Gladney went to MOWA it seemed that it all was straightened out. Well, it was not, and part of me just wants to go there myself and check that our file is perfect. Any way, we are rescheduled for April 10th.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I'm about to breech a topic that I have been avoiding for quite some time now. I don't know how people are going to take this, but I need to, once and for all, get this off my chest. Over the past year I have read my fair share of blog entries, and I must say that I find the phrase "love on..." extremely jarring. I am open to every one's beliefs, reasoning for adoption, plans a, b, c, political views and so on, but I cannot understand the need to use the phrase "love on..." What is so difficult about saying something to the effect of "please give my babe all the love I send to them," or "I cant wait to cuddle with our baby," why "love on...?" I did not learn formal English until my family moved to Southern California, so it could just be me, and I thought that for some time now, but I have a few friends whom I've sucked into this blog reading business, and they find it just as awkward. Obviously there aren't very many of you out there that agree with me, because otherwise, you would not be perpetuating this semantic oddity.
PS You must know how much refrain I have shown!
PPS When you've been postponed for as long as we have and for the inane reasons we have experienced you too will focus on the silliest things.

Tune in tomorrow.

Well, the judge decided to take the day off today. The cases scheduled to be heard today will be heard tomorrow. We're sad..

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thank you all!

Almost very year Fernando, Marina and I, have the opportunity to stroll up and down this beautiful avenue in Barcelona. It is called Paseo de Gracia. The trees are still there, and although, sadly, the fashion has changed there are still tons of people that walk up and down along with us. The architecture is amazing and the conversations you overhear are in every language imaginable. I didn't intend to write about this as you can tell by the title of this post, but as I was searching for a photo to post on this entry, I started making connections with the words thank you, gracias, gracia, etc.
Any way, I just want to thank every one who is sending us all of your wonderful thoughts and positive vibes. We really do appreciate it. We are on pins and needles, and can't wait to stroll up and down el Paseo de Gracia with our two beautiful babe, Celeste Fenit.
This wait is just so difficult!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's been a long time

So I received a call from Mary T. today. As I understand it, MOWA is supposed to send an opinion to the courts before cases are heard by the judges. MOWA's opinion was that our file was "incomplete." After much work by our Gladney in-country staff it seems that there was some sort of misfiling of records and so once that was cleared a new court date was petitioned for the next couple of days. The courts declined the petition to expedite our case, so our new court date is set for the 26th of this month. On another and more positive note, our little one's mother was able to relinquish our babe today. The courts accepted her decision, which means that things should go smoother for her case to be accepted and approved.
I am very frustrated, but I feel very confident that we have the most competent people working and doing everything in their power to bring our girl home.