Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thank you all!

Almost very year Fernando, Marina and I, have the opportunity to stroll up and down this beautiful avenue in Barcelona. It is called Paseo de Gracia. The trees are still there, and although, sadly, the fashion has changed there are still tons of people that walk up and down along with us. The architecture is amazing and the conversations you overhear are in every language imaginable. I didn't intend to write about this as you can tell by the title of this post, but as I was searching for a photo to post on this entry, I started making connections with the words thank you, gracias, gracia, etc.
Any way, I just want to thank every one who is sending us all of your wonderful thoughts and positive vibes. We really do appreciate it. We are on pins and needles, and can't wait to stroll up and down el Paseo de Gracia with our two beautiful babe, Celeste Fenit.
This wait is just so difficult!


Farmboy and Buttercup said...

I work 3rd shift on Tuesday nights, so here I am stalking blogs at 1:30am, EST.

Good luck to you, too.

mama becca said...

LOVE the eyes :).
My stomach is in knots... I KNOW you will be successful today!
good luck!