Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well, unbelievably the judge said that our file was incomplete. Have you ever seen a great white shark while it bites into its pray? Have you noticed how their eyes roll back with their fury? Just think of me like the shark. I am beside myself. This had happened before and when Gladney went to MOWA it seemed that it all was straightened out. Well, it was not, and part of me just wants to go there myself and check that our file is perfect. Any way, we are rescheduled for April 10th.


Crazy Thorne's said...

I absolutely cannot believe this!!!! I am sooooo sorry.

Shelly Roberts said...

I am so, so sorry ... thank you for posting ... we will not forget about you or your babe until this is all finished. Know that we're all here waiting with you ... we can't change anything that's happened, but we CARE immensely about your family. ~Shelly

CHRISTY said...

I don't understand! How can it be incomplete again, what could they possibly be looking for that's not there? I am so sorry! I know you must be incredibly frustrated!

Natalie Fournet said...

I am soooo sorry! I can't imagine the pain you are in over this. Know that we are praying for your family and will continue to do so.

Kristy -Mom To 9 Blessings said...

Oh Booooooooooooooo!
Hang in there and we'll keep praying!

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Oh, UGH!!!!

I am so sorry, I was hoping so much we would all have good news today. What a difficult place to be in, that waiting place.

mama becca said...

This is just shocking. NOT okay. You have every right to be LIVID. I think it must be time for Gladney to work some magic. Like a special meeting and resolution to this ridiculous problem... like TOMORROW. We will be here for you, every step of the way.

Karen said...

I'm sorry! Hopefully April 10th will be successful, and you'll be on your way to Addis soon!!

Amy B. said...

I am so sorry! My heart hurts for you guys.


renee treat said...

I was feeling so sorry for myself today and then I saw your blog and thought, "Well this is even more ridiculous." I'm so sorry. I wish I understood what was going all seems so unclear and muddy. I hate that there's nothing we can do...

InGod'sHands said...

Praying for you! I know it is hard. Friday was our 9th week of waiting for a court date (our first one). Nothing makes sense and it totally stinks. Just wanted you to know that you have some prayer support.

Blessings, Rebecca K.

mama becca said...

Hi Samantha...
Email me at so that I can get more details on who your sweetie is. I'd love to take some pictures for you.
Take care-

mama becca said...

Thinking about you this week... and hoping and praying...
love and best wishes...

renee treat said...

Two days! That's all we have left... I sure hope our next posts will share good news.

Shelly Roberts said...

PRAYING all goes WELL!!!! ..... cannot wait to see good news announced here. :) Blessings~ Shelly

DrewCareyShow said...

Will third time be the charm? Just popping in to let you know we're thinking about you tonight! Sending lots of good mojo your way... XOXO Carey

Amy B. said...

Hoping all is good news today. Just thinking about you.


Shelly Roberts said...

Dying for an update here! ... see this is what happens to us crazy adoptive families ... we go nuts for each other with no news! ~Shelly

mama becca said...

yes Samantha... I'm going to start a blog revolt if you don't update you blog...
Hope you all are good???????