Saturday, April 28, 2007

Kevin & Sam

I woke up early this morning because Fernando and I had made plans to meet with Kevin and Sam at Il Fornaio. After breakfast we had committed to attend the orientation at Heartsent. We figured that if there wasn't a friendship spark, the orientation was the perfect excuse to cut the awkward breakfast short. Well, Fernando overslept so it was Cindy, Marina and me who went to meet this other soon to be parents of an Ethiopian girl.
I wish we could have talked longer! Kevin and Sam are fabulous! not to mention their little boys, who are magical. We got along great, and were happy to find that we have similar ideas about so many topics. I hope they felt the same way. In the end we had to leave quickly without making any real plans to meet again. Next weekend there is some sort of potluck with other soon to be parents of Ethiopian children (should I start a trend of calling us SPECs? I don't like the term adoptive parents: we're just parents), so if we remember to go, we'll see them there.
The orientation at Heartsent was really good. It had a very personal feeling with a video to begin with, and newly united families talking about their experiences.
I'm off to translate some documents.


Swerl said...

Thanks for the shout out!!

We LOVE you!! You are SO much our kind of people - down to Earth, funny, and smart!

Let's make plans to get together soon! Hope you can make it to the SoCal Yahoo group potluck on May 5th! We'll call you with the info.

And Marina is TOO cute!! What a girl! Hope to meet Fernando next time!

Glad the Haertsent meeting went well!

Sam and Kevin :)

Swerl said...

Sorry, we loved Cindy, too!!

You guys rock!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you tell your story, the parallel to DMV was way too funny! I am glad you found some nice new friends to share your journey with...lucky kids to get to have you for parents!