Saturday, January 12, 2008

Waiting again.

I get quite discouraged and unmotivated to write when all there is to say is that we are still waiting. We have been waiting for a court date for 3 weeks now, and it doesn't seem like it is going to happen any time soon. I hope Mary calls me right after I post this; to prove me wrong.
Any way, on Wednesday, Marina had tryouts at 3:30 P.M. for the swim pre-team and ...SHE MADE IT! She was very good in the tryouts, and Fernando said that the coach seemed pleased. So starting in February, she will be training with the team.
That same day I had my appointment to get all my shots. I was inoculated twice in each arm. Wow, my arms were a little sore for a couple of days. My brother, in NY, received his shots the week before and apparently he didn't feel very well afterwords.
Now all we are doing is waiting. I feel sort of lonely just waiting. We don't have a court date and we haven't received new pictures of our babe.


Tara said...

So sorry that time is just inching by. I am feeling the same lonliness- I am feeling a little alone in this waiting game! We need our babies!!

Natalie Fournet said...

Praying for you...I can't imagine how hard this is for you!!! Natalie

Drew Carey Show said...

Drag! I'm surprised that there are still so many delays with the courts. Keeping our fingers crossed that this is your week! Let's schedule a Sunday get together soon... Can't do this coming weekend, but we're open the weekend after that, I think... Hang in there! Thinking about you guys lots...

mama becca said...

Ugh. I'm so sad for you. Come on court date!!! Your girl is simply breathtaking. I can't wait to check back and read that you can go get her! It WILL happen.
becca albertson