Wednesday, January 16, 2008

We're missing the milestones!

We received an update from Mary T.; "Fenit – Beautiful! Calm and comfortable with so much beauty is powerful. There is so Much of Fenit to appreciate, and apparently muscle lies beneath the plush exterior! From her stomach, Fenit can easily do as many “baby push-ups” as she wants. She rocks back on her knees frequently. She is quite active! In her picture she is saying – “Hi, Mom and Dad. " Current Weight – 18.52 pounds"
I am so grateful for these updates; and yet so mournful that we are missing all the fun little milestones, like almost crawling. We can't wait to have her home!


Keva said...

What a cutie! She looks so happy! Oh I hope your wait ends soon. Seven weeks was agony. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

h*** s***! she is sooooooo gorgeous. (and i am not saying this just because i love you)