Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Friday, December 26, 2008
Today is San Esteban
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Making dolls
Thursday, October 2, 2008
On a different note, I would like to ask everyone out there to send their positive thoughts to my friend Sarah. She underwent a double mastectomy yesterday and will begin chemotherapy soon. She has a very supportive husband and a lovely 16 month old baby girl. Shara is scared, but is dealing with all of this so incredibly well. I have knows Sarah since we moved in together our freshmen year at Pitzer College in Claremont, and although I can't say that we have remained close, I can say that I love her and that every time we talk or see each other its as if we had gone back in time.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sick but somehow rejuvinated
Just as a catch up sort of a post. Since we returned Marina finished 1st grade. We had a good summer at home (we usually take off for Barcelona to Fernando's family). We are slowly finding our rhythm. Celeste began walking and is now unstoppable. Marina is in 2nd grade. Fernando got a book published. I am frantically making dolls for the Elves' Fair (Pasadena Waldorf School's largest event), and planning my mother's 60th birthday bash. Oh! and I forgot, working full time as a school psychologist.
I have been such a bad blogger that the cycle of non blogging just kept getting more and more dysfunctional. the more time passed the guiltier I felt, and the guiltier I felt, the less I wanted to show my face in blog world, but now that Monica has opened the flood gates, let the blogging begin.
These are the latest Celeste words: Agua? mmmmm, abre? ten, mama, papa, papi, mami, yaya, yayo, hola? tita, and in English: ball. Funny thing that occurred today: Marina's friend came over and was upset and crying with her mother when they had to go. Celeste went over to her and patted and petted her on the head. She looked worried.
Marina is a fantastic big sister. She includes Celeste in every game and makes sure that the other kids are letting her participate. Marina is also on the brink to jump into the swim team, so she is working very hard in the pool. At school, she was in the Michaelmas play. She played the part of fire with three other girls and they rocked it!
Overall we are doing very well, and hoping that we get to see the blog unioners again soon.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
May 7th??
I am not sure if anyone out there in blogland checks dear Samantha's blog anymore. She is a bad blogger (I have told her so) I read adoption blogs as she started blogging. My favorite time to read is the travel.. and return home. My darling friend dropped off just when I would have been the most interested. Fortunate for me, I talk to her often and see her, Fernando, and her kiddos ... so I knew/know what was going on. For the rest of you.. who may only know her only in Blogland... here is a little glimpse into the goings on with Samantha, Fernando, Marina, and Celeste... They are a beautiful and happy little family. Enjoy!
a glorious day at the beach... for little Zoe's birthday
a summer Monday in the village. Coffee and water play. perfection
blog union. oh yes, they were there. (and me too)
i love this picture!
Our lovely Fair tradition (the kids were less than pleased with the petting zoo. Marina looks forward to this. She talked about it constantly, but she did not love the goats. neither did Celeste. sisters)
Hope if there is anyone out there... this made you smile.
;) Monica
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A good night's rest
Here is a quick run down of our trip and home coming.
-Saturday at 11:50 pm I left CA on JetBlue and arrived at JFK at 8:00am Sun.
-Sunday at 11:30 pm my brother and I took off for Dubai on Emirates Air, and arrived at 8:30 pm Monday. We had a chance to look around the old part of the city and have a great dinner. We spent the night in the Meridian Hotel.
-Tuesday at 8:00am, we left Dubai and landed in Addis Ababa at 11:30 am.
After we arrived we had a quick bite to eat and went to meet Celeste and took her back to the hotel (Hilton).
-Wednesday we had our embassy appointment at 3:00pm, but we were not seen until 5:00 pm
-Thursday we went to the coffee ceremony at the babie's home.
-Friday we went on a tour of beautiful lakes and were able to leave the city and enjoy the countryside. In the evening we received Celeste's visa and other paperwork.
-Saturday we went shopping in the morning and at 7:00 pm we took off on Emirates Air for Dubai.
-Sunday morning 12:45am we arrived in Dubai and took our next flight at 2:00am to JFK.
-Sunday morning at 8:00am we arrived in NYC and went to my brother's home.
-Sunday at 8:00pm Celeste and I boarded a JetBlue flight to CA.
-Sunday at 11:45pm arrived in LA
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
travel news...
short and sweet...
and I know (as a blog reader) that all posts are better with a picture. So, since I do not have any pics from Samantha in Ethiopia, I will give you one taken last September. Samantha, Marina, and I on our annual trip to the LA county fair. We always have sooo much fun. We go into the petting zoo and have lovely adventures. Celeste will surely be in this year's picture.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
On her way...

Greetings. I am Monica... one of Samantha's friends. I will be your blog operator until Samantha gets back from Ethiopia. Last night Fernando and Marina dropped her off at the airport for a red eye flight to New York (to meet with her brother). They'll leave tonight for Dubai, and then Ethiopia!! She is uber excited, as am I. I will post something as soon as I hear from her.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Here is the first or our bags

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Something in Common
We finally received the report on Fenit’s biological family. I am happy to report that our little “beauty queen” (soon to be re-labeled “smart, talented imaginative, creative youngest princess”) has two mothers that like to play in the kitchen. That makes me very happy.
On another front, I’ve been packing up a storm. We purchased an army duffel bag at our local Army Navy store. The bag was only about $25 and is the biggest thing I’ve ever seen. I know I’ll not be able to lift it, but who needs to lift when you can drag. I take a picture of it once it is all filled up.
I will be meeting my brother in NY and we will travel together to Ethiopia. For all of those soon to be parents out there, please know that I will be happy to take pictures or any little keepsake you want to send to your little loves, just e-mail me and we will make arrangements.
The work of art posted is one of Marina’s homage to her fish, Chiquitina. She was a female Beta that who died while Marina was in Barcelona with her father. Here she is waiting for Marina to feed her. The other picture is the real place where Chiquitina used to reside.
Oh! I almost forgot, we had been told that Fenit’s birthday was the 4th of July, 2007. It turns out that it is actually the 31st of May 2007. Regardless of her birthday, she will not begin school until she has turned 6 years old so that means she will be more developmentally ready for the rigors of social and academic life.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I figured it out! ...sort of
I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us through this, very difficult, journey; and to invite those of you who are still waiting, to email us with your babe's information if you would like for us to take pictures or send them a little something on your behalf. Fernando and I sent mem cards to other traveling parents while we waited, and it seems that those precious images helped us get through the rough spots.
Friday, April 11, 2008
We are complete

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

PS You must know how much refrain I have shown!
PPS When you've been postponed for as long as we have and for the inane reasons we have experienced you too will focus on the silliest things.
Tune in tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thank you all!

Any way, I just want to thank every one who is sending us all of your wonderful thoughts and positive vibes. We really do appreciate it. We are on pins and needles, and can't wait to stroll up and down el Paseo de Gracia with our two beautiful babe, Celeste Fenit.
This wait is just so difficult!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
It's been a long time

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
New Court Date

Friday, February 22, 2008
Gladney is amazing!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Tagged again!
So here are my lists for the crazy 8's:
8 things I’m passionate about:
2. Google
8 things I want to do before I die:
5. change legislation (any legislation)
8 songs I never tire of listening to
2. Hey Jude (The Beatles)
5. Manu Chao
7. My father signing flamenco
8. Edith Piaf
8 things that attract me to my friends
3. Honesty
7. Self awareness
8 things I learned in 2007:
1. Patience, patience, patience
8. The truth cannot be held against you
8 things I say often:
7. que?
8. when do you want to schedule that?
8 TV shows I recently watched:
7. Anything Discovery
1. water evaporates, so don't get upset if it spills
2. our children are the MOST important thing
3. our only job as parents is to keep our children safe (this applies to anything)
4. 2 choices are more than enough
5. our children don't get a choice about EVERYTHING
6. bring our children to sleep with us, because when they get older they won't want to
7. get caught boasting about them
8. tell them you may not like their actions but you love them no mater what
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Court date; Check!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
400+ e-mails

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
We're missing the milestones!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Lovely souls that come through just in time.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Waiting again.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
The festive season
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Taken the same day
Can you believe it? When Carey sent me the pictures, she wrote "is this her?" I merely responded that I thought so, and that if she thought so too then it must be Celeste. Well, today I was arranging the pictures in my computer and lo and behold I discovered that Carey's pictures were taken the same day, and probably at the same time, than the picture we received from Mary. That means it definitely IS Celeste and that Carey can tell me a little about what the woman in the picture is like.
I keep trying to send Celeste Fenit the telepathic message "don't worry, Love, we're on our way."
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I don't comprehend anything you're saying

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I can only hope

I also feel quite pathetic. I actually called Mary T. today to tell her I needed reassurance and some sort of information. I dropped the charade of calling her with any lame excuse, I cannot pretend anymore. I have lost all patience and need to be brought back to center!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Another question for Mary
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Well, I'm off to finish some work , life goes on, even in these desperate times. I almost forgot, we've been taking out Marina's baby clothes and can't wait to see Celeste wearing them.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What have we been up to since September
October seemed like it had promise of being an easy month of rest when suddenly BAM! Marina and I drove to Tucson to my cousin's wedding (Marina was one of three flower girls). I got 2 tickets on my way home; one for speeding-totally legitimate, and the other because Marina turn around to look at a police car and he said she was not properly strapped into her booster...she weighs more than some current media icons at her healthy 50lb! The seat belt just slipped off her shoulder when she turned!!! hasn't that happened to us all? don't some of us put the shoulder strap under our arm because it cuts into our neck?!?! Anyway, that is also the day I was supposed to go to Carrie's baby shower...I missed the festivities. The following weekend I had to go to Utah for work. I was in a town with a population of 178, alone and very far from cell phone reception. Then we had Halloween and all its magic and mystery (which takes a lot of grown up preparation and work.)
Now we are in November. Let's see, this month I have worked on making dolls and their clothes. Lots and lots of dolls! The Elve's Fair (the biggest fund raiser for Marina's school was on the 17th. I also made little trinkets, items for a special children's shopping room and baked a cake for the Fair's bake sale. I helped set up and clean up. After all that work and all that stress I came down ill on the 18th. I am sounding sicker today, but I am feeling better. Thankfully we don't work tomorrow and I can make the stuffing for Thursday. We're going to my mother's house for Thanksgiving.
As far as Celeste is concerned, all I can tell you is that we have been waiting. I spoke with Mary T. and she gave me the impression that we will not be traveling to get our babe until the new year. So we have to put in the extra training ours required by the Hague. We just went ahead and ordered all the on demand streaming, and started our training last night. We hope to have it all completed by the end of this weekend. That way, the only thing left to do will be to buy our tickets and fly to Addis Ababa.
One last note; I work for a public school district. Needless to say that the majority of people employed by this industry are women. According to our HR department I have no right to get maternity leave...NONE! I have to take my sick days which I have been accruing since I started working there. I will only be able to have those sick days to be with Celeste before I have to rejoin the work force. As it was explained to me (in so many words); maternity leave is driven by the health of the mother and her need to recuperate from child birth, not the need for the baby to bond.
On that note I leave you to be with Marina who has been waiting patiently to hear me read Anne of Avonlea before bed time.
Long absence
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Getting closer

Some time ago when the Bottomlys received their referral, I said that I felt like they were leaving the gym and we were barely getting to it. Well, we are finally in the showers about to leave our emotional gym and join the Bottomlys and all the others in the everyday life with new family members.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007
Keeping all the balls or axes in the air

Oh! I forgot to mention that we have settled on naming our baby Celeste. I came up with so very many different names and Fernando would only say "if that's what you like." I almost gave up! But then I said "what about Celeste" and he lit up, so there was no more discussions about it. Marina was set on Lola, but I think she's come around now. Plus I think it makes a good pair with Marina; one is from the sea and the other from the heavens. (I don't think Karen reads this, but if you are reading, I'm sorry for the long tangent!)
Back to the classes; in the first class we discussed the topic of bringing a sibling home. Although I thought that the class was good overall, I am often surprised that the human race has overcome so much, and that people of older generations are so well adjusted. To hear what worries people, and how we are encouraged to over analyze every move we make that might have the slightest impact on our kids, it's a wonder that more children don't grow up to be traumatized for life because they have siblings. The way people talk, you would think that only children who didn't have siblings were well adjusted. When I was growing up I wasn't asked my opinion on matters that were of consequence to the entire family. My parents decided everything; what we wore, what we ate, where we went, where we lived , EVERYTHING. I, by no means suggest that I am the most well balanced person, but I am certainly well adjusted and I am quite adept at handling change. Children are resilient and the fact that we decide to have more than one child should be considered more of a gift than something to ask forgiveness over. My siblings and I were not the best of friends growing up; my sister needed me to stay as far away from her and her friends as possible, and my brother and I fought like cats and dogs. Today, I don't know what I would do without them. They are a part of me; their triumphs and defeats affect me deeply. I have been shaped by them. I have learned patience, sharing, kindness, tenderness, love, forgiveness and endurance through my relationship with my siblings. We have been each other's bitter rivals and most vocal supporters. I thank my parents every day for the wonderful gift of siblings.
Wow, that was a mouth full, more on the second class tomorrow. I'm off to bed.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Getting Personal

This was our first official meal, and it was absolutely amazing. Luli prepared it, and every one enjoyed it. I know what you are going to say, these are not personal pictures, but they are. And plus I don't know if the people in my pictures want themselves in the pictures.
Here is a picture of the products in La Boqueria in Barcelona. Just look at those mushrooms; a gnome could live in each one!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
It's been a long time
Thursday, August 16, 2007
We're back!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Out of town
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Well, today I went to CIS (in downtown L.A.), picked up our approval letter, then met Fernando and Marina at the AAA office , then Fernando and Marina went to the book store while I went to Norwalk (L.A. county clerk's office; which inexplicably is not located in downtown L.A.) to authenticate, then back to downtown to the Secretary of State's office to further authenticate, and then finally home. I am so tired, but so extremely relieved! Now we just have to wait for our documents; which we sent out to get authenticated in NY and in Sacramento, so that we can FedEx them to Gladney. They will then add their portion to the pile and send the entire dossier on to DC for final authentication, and that is when we are finally considered a "waiting family."
Friday, July 6, 2007
Every little grain of sand gets us closer to Ethiopia

Well, I lost no time and marched myself straight to the notary and then to FedEx to send it along with other documents to be authenticated. On my way home I received a call from Maggie at Heartsent letting me know that she spoke with the CIS office and our letter should be arriving by early next week! That letter is the last of our documents that make up our dossier.
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007
Just got back!
Days off

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
...or like her

Friday, June 15, 2007
She could look like her

We are getting so close I can't believe that we may be in the official waiting stage soon.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Fairy gift